Where All The Good Ideas Come From – Feat. Michael Johnson

On Thursday August 1st, Art Center is presenting  an evening with celebrated English graphic designer Michael Johnson, from johnson banks design.

Johnson has advised and created brands for clients including Virgin Atlantic, Science Museum (UK), Shelter (UK), The Guggenheim Foundation (New York, USA), Sendai Space Observatory (Japan) andPew Center for Arts and Culture (Philadelphia, USA). He has also created company identities for a range of clients, designed multiple posters and stamps including a set celebrating The Beatles for Royal Mail in 2006. In addition Johnson writes for many design journals, judges design competitions and lectures worldwide on branding, identity issues and design history.

Date: Thursday, August 1, 2013| Time: 7:30PM | Venue: LATimes Theater, Art Center College of Design, Hillside Campus, 1700 Lida St., Pasadena



By AIGA Los Angeles
Published July 25, 2013
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