RE: DESIGN/Inspire 2013

This will be the second year for RE:DESIGN/Inspire, a yearly gathering with a focus on salon-style sessions and the chance to connect with fellow creatives.

RE:DESIGN/Inspire takes on the ultimate goal of any creative type—to be consistently and innovatively inspired.

This year they will be exploring the idea of cross pollination: drawing from sources beyond traditional design to enhance, strengthen and inspire our work. Curated by  Symposiarch Lawrence Azerrad of LADdesign (& our AIGA LA chapter), join us and a very inspiring group of speakers including:

  • Bob Aufuldish, CCA & Aufuldish & Warinner, SF
  • Barbara Bestor, Bestor Architecture, LA
  • Margo Chase, Chase Design Group, LA
  • Cameron Campbell, Teague, Seattle
  • Jeff Castelaz, President, Elektra Records & The Pablove Foundation,
  • The Heads of State, Illustrators Jason Kernevich & Dustin Summers, Philadelphia
  • Noreen Morioka & Nicole Jacek, Our LA AIGA Chapter President and Design Thought Leaders
  • Frank Ockenfels, Rock Star Photographer, LA
  • And many more! Learn more about our speakers and register to participate at


Date: October 21st-22nd, 2013 | Time: 7PM-9PM | Venue: SmogShoppe, 2651 S La Cienega Blvd  Los Angeles, CA 90034 | REGISTER


By AIGA Los Angeles
Published September 10, 2013
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