LOCAL / NOT LOCAL : Arabic & Iranian Typography, Made in California

LOCAL / NOT LOCAL is an exhibition that showcases the works of Arabic and Iranian designers based in California. This connection is reflected in their work in the form of on-going client work from the Middle East, self initiated projects, or locally based client work. Bringing Arab and Iranian artists and designers under one roof, the point of this exhibit is to break the notion that Arabic and Iranian typography is only practiced in the Middle East. Arab and Iranian designers reveal through their design practice that Arabic and Iranian typography is alive in California through community based projects, collaborations, and commercial work from abroad , done locally.

Jun 26 2014
6:00pm – 10:00pm

Show goes to August 29, 2014
Free to the public

Inside/Outside Gallery,
Levantine Cultural Center
5998 W. Pico Blvd.,
Los Angeles CA 90035-2657

Facebook Event URL: https://www.facebook.com/events/469737053159519/


By AIGA Los Angeles
Published June 26, 2014
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