Our friends from the Fulcrum Agency and Adobe are partnering up to bring some inspirational conversation and education to in-house and agency leaders in Los Angeles. This miniature conference is called xCHANGE, and seating is limited to 40 creative leaders. At it’s core, this is a roundtable discussion amongst design leaders from influential brands around the LA area. xCHANGE has hosted over 600 companies and has been well received all over North America.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015
1:00 PM–5:00PM

San Antonio Winery
737 Lamar St., Los Angeles, CA 90031

“xCHANGE is the best professional event I’ve been to in years. I learned more in four hours than I have at two and three day conferences! The atmosphere was casual, and the peer-to-peer conversations and speakers were amazing! Time well spent.”— Keith Miller, Kenwood Experiences

Lunch and libations are included in your ticket. For more information, check out the registration link.

AIGA LA members receive a 50% discount when registering here

By AIGA Los Angeles
Published August 28, 2015
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