LA Design Festival—Underground Images: School of Visual Arts Subway Posters, 1947 to the Present

LA Design Festival

Saturday, June 9, 2018 | 11AM – 5PM
Sunday, June 10, 2018 | 11AM – 5PM
ROW DTLA — Audio Lab
777 Alameda Street | Los Angeles, CA 90021


School of Visual Arts, in association with AIGA Los Angeles, presents “Underground Images: School of Visual Arts Subway Posters, 1947 to the Present.”

“Underground Images” brings together more than 50 of the myriad posters created at SVA for display in the vast New York City subway system, offering a glimpse of the history of the College and the collective talent of its acclaimed design and illustration faculty. The exhibition was curated by SVA Executive Vice President Anthony P. Rhodes, who has served as creative director for the posters since 2007.

Beginning in the mid-1950s, SVA was in the vanguard of academic institutions in the U.S. to recognize the need for alternative marketing strategies to attract new students. SVA took to the platforms of New York City’s subway with advertising posters that were both thought-provoking and eye-catching, featuring the work of legendary artists like Ivan Chermayeff, Milton Glaser, and George Tscherny. All practicing professionals on the faculty at SVA, they used the poster commission to explore what it means to be an artist and hone their own artistic voice. Like the College itself, the SVA subway posters have become in some way inseparable from the city as incitements to creativity and risk-taking.

The 33 artists in “Underground Images” include Gail Anderson, Marshall Arisman, Chris Buzelli, Gene Case, Ivan Chermayeff, Paul Davis, Sal De Vito, Stephen Doyle, Louise Fili, Audrey Flack, Nathan Fox, Bob Gill, Robert Giusti, Milton Glaser, Phil Hays, Steven Heller, Mirko Ilić, Viktor Koen, Stephen Kroninger, Marvin Mattelson, Clay Patrick McBride, James McMullan, Jerry Moriarty, Tony Palladino, Edel Rodriguez, Stefan Sagmeister, David Sandlin, Paula Scher, Yuko Shimizu, Eve Sonneman, George Tscherny, James Victore and Robert Weaver.

“Underground Images” is organized by SVA faculty member Mirko Ilić and Francis Di Tommaso, director, SVA Galleries. Presented by AIGA Los Angeles.

This exhibition is free and open to the public, June 9 & 10 from 11 am to 5 pm in LA Design Festival’s Audio Lab at ROW DTLA.
By Julie Manthey
Published June 5, 2018
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