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July Events
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EVENINGS AT THE LOFT: Designing for the Future of TV 
FRI, JUL 7, 6–10PM | HULU

Evenings at the Loft by Kluge, is LA’s design salon, a quarterly speaker series based around central themes and casual conversation.

This Evening’s theme is on the Future of Television Design and it will be at Hulu’s headquarters. Featuring a late night show approach, the goal is to explore the different areas of design and technology affecting entertainment consumption today.

Visit the event page for more details and to buy tickets.



Any in-house designer knows working with an outside agency can be a struggle. They might take some work off of your plate, but they don’t understand the company—or its products—like you do. Or they are brought in by another department and don’t bring you into the conversation, or it feels like lip-service if they do. And then there is this out-dated perception that in-house design is for those without talent. So, what is the happy medium where great work gets produced, teams feel valued, and relationships thrive? At this event, in-house and agency designers share their secrets to successful, and not-so-successful, inside-out design relationships.


Volunteer for this event here.


GRAPHIC MEANS: A History of Graphic Design Production
THU, JUL 20, 7:30–10PM | Lumi HQ

It’s been roughly 30 years since the desktop computer revolutionized the way the graphic design industry works. For decades before that, it was the hands of industrious workers, and various ingenious machines and tools that brought type and image together on meticulously prepared paste-up boards, before they were sent to the printer.

Graphic Means explores graphic design production of the 1950s through the 1990s—from linecaster to photocomposition and from paste-up to PDF.

The feature presentation will begin with a panel disccusion, moderated by film director and producer Brian Levit.

View the official trailer.

Visit the event page for more information and to Buy Your Ticket.

Brought to you by TypeThursdayLA.


By AIGA Los Angeles
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