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GAUGE presents: Joseph Bañuelos
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GAUGE presents: Joseph Bañuelos
Creative Director, DevicePharm

Please join us early for a pre-reception at 6PM
Lightly Catered by Golden Eagle UAS
Located at the Music Building patio.

THURSDAY, November 7th @ 7pm
Choral Room (MUS 149)
Please enter from Music Bldg. patio

Joseph began his career in 1969 at the Art Group in Los Angeles. During those years, he was exposed to the great designers and illustrators of the day. He credits his knowledge of design and craftsmanship to working under the watchful eyes of the Huerta brothers: Hector, Carlos and Octavio. Along with senior designer Roger Johnson, the Huertas taught Bañuelos about design, typography, art direction, handlettering and illustration. Those experiences proved invaluable when he opened his own studio in 1974, in Orange County, California. He immediately found his niche in an emerging marketplace much in need of his abilities. He operated as an independent design firm, first as Bañuelos Design, then Left Coast Design, from 1974 to 1997. He then joined the staff of one of his ad agency clients, LehmanMillet, and for 10 years worked there as a creative director.

In mid-2008 he opened his own firm, Amorviejo Design. Currently he is the creative director of DevicePharm, a leading ad agency for biotech, pharmaceutical, life sciences and medical device companies. ( His portfolio includes work for national brands such as OBAGI Medical, Mazda Motors, Zeiss Optics, Ossur, Allergan and Disney. Bañuelos’s work has won awards from Communication Arts, Society of Illustrators of Los Angeles, New York Art Directors Club, The One Show, Print and the Beldings. He is both an Advisory Board Member and a Fellow of AIGA, in Orange County.

The GAUGE Design Speaker Series brings leading design industry professionals on campus to stimulate discussion, inspire excellence and build community among the design students, alumni, faculty and staff of California State University Los Angeles. Established in the 2006-2007 academic year, GAUGE has brought one speaker from the area to campus every quarter. Past speakers have included: Deborah Sussman, Agustin Garza, Stefan Bucher, Kim Baer, Ricardo Cardeñas, Michael Hodgson, Rebeca Méndez, Noreen Morioka, Yu Tsai, Petrula Vrontikis, Cynthia Murnane, David Lai, Ismael Obregon, Lorraine Wild, John Coy, Jose Caballer, Kali Nikitas, Chris Do and Marc Mertens and April Greiman. You can see more information about GAUGE at:

GAUGE is the AIGA student group, at Cal State L.A. AIGA, the professional association for design. AIGA’s mission is to advance designing as a professional craft, strategic tool and vital cultural force.

Parking is available in Parking Lot C on the North end of campus with purchase of an hourly permit.

By AIGA Los Angeles
Published November 5, 2013
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