Join AIGA Santa Barbara as we meet author, designer, and business adviser Marty Neumeier, whose mission is to bring the principles and processes of creativity to industry.
Marty’s series of “whiteboard” books includes The Designful Company, Zag, and The Brand Gap; his latest book, Metaskills, lays out a map to creative mastery in the age of intelligent machines.
Currently serving as Director of Transformation for Liquid Agency in Silicon Valley, Marty travels extensively as a workshop leader and speaker on the topics of innovation, brand, and design. Previously editor and publisher of Critique magazine, he has also worked closely with innovative companies such as Apple, Netscape, Sun Microsystems, HP, Adobe, Google, and Microsoft to help advance their brands and cultures.
As the Industrial Age grinds to a halt, the “Robotic Age” is picking up speed. In the next few decades we’ll see the acceleration of man-machine collaboration, with computers becoming more human and humans becoming more creative. Where will that leave you? Scrambling to stay ahead of the Robot Curve—a cycle of creative destruction that puts continuous downward pressure on the value of work. Business no longer needs workers to be robots. It has robots.
The good news is that the Robot Curve can work to your advantage. Those who master five basic talents—feeling, seeing, dreaming, making, and learning—can rise to the top of the curve, where they’ll enjoy a high level of creativity, fulfillment, and influence.
You will learn:
• Why the worldwide jobs crisis is really a talent crisis
• How the Robot Curve is driving down the value and cost of work
• Why creativity is the path to success in the Robotic Age
• How to assess your five talents (everyone takes a 10-minute quiz)
Marty will also sign copies of Metaskills and share brief highlights of his journey from Santa Barbara designer to internationally recognized thought leader.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Balboa Building, Auditorium
735 State St.
Santa Barbara, California
Learn more and register now.