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“Faces of Water: Family Portraits” by Moses Hacmon
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HUB LA presents artist Moses Hacmon’s photographic series “Faces of Water: Family Portraits,” over 50 prints of his innovative new film process that uses new iron nanoparticles to capture the movement of water.

Date: Saturday, September 7, 2013 | Time: 6-10PM | Venue: Hub LA – 830 Traction Ave. 3rd Floor |  FREE | Info:



Prints varying in size from 3 inches to 3 feet will be available for sale on site. 100% of the proceeds will go towards funding an education exhibition. To learn more about this educational initiative and how you can support it, click here.

For more information about “Faces of Water”, visit the website or Facebook page.

About the Artist: Moses Hacmon is a collaborative artist, photographer, and architect who has studied drawing, sculpture, and photography since childhood. Born in 1977 in Tel-Aviv, Israel, he studied cinematography and fine art at Avni Institute of Art and Design in Tel Aviv and attended the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa. In 2002, he transferred to Southern California Institute of Architecture, one of the world’s premiere architecture schools. He graduated first in his class with a Bachelor of Architecture degree with highest honors, and in 2006, received the American Institute of Architecture (AIA) Medallion for Excellence in Architectural Education

Hacmon’s focus and fascination with nature’s constant creation of physical objects lends itself to architecture, art, and the stage. Since 2008, Hacmon has studied movement and production design at Body Weather Laboratory, a contemporary dance company based in Venice, CA. Most recently, his set design installation served as the backdrop for a performance by the contemporary dance company Arcane Collective at The Guggenheim Museum in New York City.


By AIGA Los Angeles
Published September 1, 2013
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