Understanding cognitive bias is an important tool to understand to start designing more consciously. Our users have biases and so do we. David Dylan Thomas’ new book, Design for Cognitive Bias, explores how design and content strategy can help keep them at bay (or use them for good). Chat with the author about how we can try to save tech from itself.

David Dylan Thomas
David Dylan Thomas, author of Design for Cognitive Bias, creator and host of The Cognitive Bias Podcast, and a twenty-year practitioner of content strategy and UX, has consulted major clients in entertainment, healthcare, publishing, finance, and retail. As the founder and CEO of David Dylan Thomas, LLC he offers workshops and presentations on inclusive design and the role of bias in making decisions. He has presented at TEDNYC, SXSW Interactive, Confab, An Event Apart, LavaCon, UX Copenhagen, Artifact, IA Conference, IxDA, Design and Content Conference, Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise, and the Wharton Web Conference on topics at the intersection of bias, design, and social justice.
Members: Free
Non-Member Students: $10
Non-Members: $20
First 150 people to register for this event will receive an e-book copy of David’s book, Design for Cognitive Bias.
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This is a virtual event using Zoom. Once you are registered, an email will be sent at 4:00 PM on Wednesday, May 12, with a link to join the online event.
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