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Creativity without Borders: Design Practices between Mexico and California
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Online media enables us every day to draw inspiration surpassing physical borders and embracing cultural differences. But does this global cross-pollination of visual language diminish the affects of geography on design thinking? What has more creative influence: where you’re based, or where you’re from? How can designers honor their own identity and point of view, while respecting and embracing the sensibilities of regional audiences? Join us on May 15 as major design voices draw on their personal experiences crossing the CA-MX border—for inspiration and for new opportunities.

6:45 PM: Mix & Mingle
7:30 PM: Introduction
7:40 PM: Speakers
8:30 PM: Q&A
8:45 PM: Closing Remarks
8:50 PM: Giveaways
9:00 PM: After Party

Members (Sustaining & above): Free
Members (Contributing & Supporting): $15
Members (Students): $10
Non-Members: $25

Twitter: @AIGALosAngeles
Instagram: @AIGALosAngeles

There is a self parking lot behind the Herman Miller building. Street parking is also available. For public transportation visit for schedules.


Agustín González Garza
Agustín was born and raised in Mexico City and relocated to United States to study Fine Arts and Graphic Design. He is an AIGA Fellow, has served on the AIGA national board and as president of AIGA/LA Chapter. For over 30 years, his firm Garza Group has created comprehensive branding programs in the US and Latin America for significant clients such as the country of Mexico, American Express, Mexico City, Reichmann International, and the City of Los Angeles, among others.

Jorge Gracia
Jorge Gracia is an Architect based in Tijuana, Founder and principal of GRACIASTUDIO; Recipient of multiple awards and recognition within the practice of architecture, including “Design Vanguard” from Architectural Record, Emerging Voices from the Architectural League of New York and “Best of the best” from Red Dot Awards in Germany. Founder of “Escuela Libre de Arquitectura” a School of Architecture based on Tijuana’s red light District.

Sami Hayek
Hayek is a Mexican designer based in Los Angeles with the believe that the spaces and objects people interact with, have a direct effect on one’s health and behavior. As a response to this philosophy, for over 20 years he has been designing and making projects in different scales and disciplines, with the intention to create a more joyful and healthier way of living. As a continuation to this thought, he has engaged the artisans of remote communities in Mexico to teach them how to use their skills and traditional materials to make High-end design rather than folk art.

Rebeca Méndez
Rebeca Méndez is an award winning artist, designer, tenured UCLA Design Media Arts professor (serving as CounterForce Lab director — a research and fieldwork studio for art, design and environment) and leads Rebeca Méndez Studio LA. An AIGA Medalist, Rebeca has been featured in countless museums, is a highly sought after speaker and used her skills/art to produce positive social change for the world. Her interests and initiatives are a bridge between art, design and science, and demonstrate a commitment to the environment and a sustainable future.


Herman Miller is a 100-year-old-plus company that places great importance on design, the environment, community service, and the health and well-being of our customers and our employees. Innovative ways to improve the performance of our customers’ organizations have become our hallmark.

How this program fulfills the vision of AIGA LA
Community: Creating open, inclusive, diverse spaces for conversation and connection.
Wonder: Provoking questions, inspiration, and a desire to explore.
Please consider joining AIGA to support our programs and initiatives.
When & Where
Wed, May 15, 2019 6:45 PM - 9:00 PM PDT
Herman Miller
3641 Holdrege Avenue, #100
Los Angeles, CA 90016