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An Evening with Louise Sandhaus + EMERGE Meetup

Wednesday, September 26, 2018 | 6:45PM – 9:00PM
Herman Miller Studio
3641 Holdrege Avenue #100 | Los Angeles, CA 90016


During the Meet & Greet portion of our Evening with Louise Sandhaus event, from 6:45–7:30pm, we will be holding an exclusive EMERGE Meetup, as part of AIGA National’s EMERGE Awareness Week. If you have less than 5 years of professional experience, register for our Evening with Louise Sandhaus event using the code AIGAEMERGE for a discounted ticket price of $10. Get the inside scoop on career advancement resources, unique creative opportunities, and business coaching from people who have been there, done that, and know how it works.


AIGA EMERGE is a national initiative built to engage and empower designers who are just starting out. Emerging designers represent those who are 0-5 years into their career. They include fresh graduates and newly transitioned practitioners.
#AIGAEMERGE #EMERGETogether #AIGATogether #EMERGEInspired #EMERGEEngaged #diversity #inclusion

By Julie Manthey
Published September 17, 2018
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