Designing With Space and Light

Landscape designer Andy Cao of cao|perrot studio develops projects with overlooked materials of color and sensuality in the canvas of space. Projection artist Bart Kresa of BARTKRESA Design is an international leader in exterior light installations projecting light for commercial and artistic/non-commercial applications. On June 27, both Andy and Bart will share with us how material, texture and light support and moves the experience of design at the next 180º: U-turns From The Intersection Of Design And Culture. Here, Andy and Bart share a little about themselves.


What is the best part of your job?


Andy:  What I like the most about my job is I have total freedom, the ability to dream and to create.

Bart: Creating breathtaking large-scale environments with light. Making people happy and often get the reactions from them like they are kids again, yay, wow. Traveling around the world and creating peace.

What’s the most interesting project you’ve done?


Andy: I like the Lullaby Garden that we created for the Cornerstone Festival of Gardens in Sonoma, California, 2004. This project was all about the experience of making the garden, trying to understand and explore the multifaceted properties of monofilament. And the most rewarding thing for me was to reconnect to the Vietnamese culture and artisans in Vietnam.

Bart: Opening of the Polish Year in Israel. With the project creating a closer relationship of Poland and Israel. More about the project:,7340,L-3530512,00.html


What is your favorite part of the day?


Andy: Siesta time-taking an hour nap after lunch. Since I work for myself, I can do that.

Bart: I love it all. Wake up enthusiastic that the new day just started. Walk and run every morning (whenever I can). While walking, I have my morning phone conversations with clients and my team. After a shower and breakfast, I love coming to my studio and working. I love working with people and creating together. Evenings are always fun, coming up with new ideas, meeting with friends and always spending quality, joyful time together.

On the road, my days are always different. Always staying focused on the project. Whatever it takes, sometimes I work all day go to sleep for two hours and go back to work.


What is your current obsession?


Andy: I’m revisiting the glass medium. This time I work with hot glass, dealing strictly with heat and gravity, no form, no color, no formula-just a volume of glass that can define the space.

Bart: My current passion, will talk about this at the event.

What advice would you give young designers and artists?


Andy: Travel. Go out there  –  see the world and be not afraid to dream.

Bart: Follow your love…sometimes you are working 40 hours straight…you’ve got to love it to do it.



Rachel Elnar is a co-founder and interactive director of Ramp Creative in downtown LA.

By Rachel Elnar
Published June 15, 2008
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