David Mayes, AIGA Los Angeles Fellow 2012

AIGA LA is proud to announce David Mayes as a recipient of this year’s AIGA Fellow award.

Mayes studied printing at Los Angeles Job Corps and Los Angeles Trade Technical College. This lead to working as a cameraman and stripper at Copy Spot in Santa Monica. Westside Print Works was the place where he worked with many of the designers he still knows and collaborates with today. After three years with Embrey Press in West L.A. he found Typecraft Lithography (later Typecraft Wood & Jones) in 1999 and the connection to the design community and his support for AIGA blossomed.

Mayes’ career in the printing industry has spanned 30 years, working in all phases of printing from pre-press to management to sales. Mayes has been participating with AIGA Los Angeles since 1997 and served on the AIGA Los Angeles Board since 2002 on the Development, Finance and Education Committees. Having a deep affection for the creative process with special appreciation for the collaboration between printer and designer, Mayes is inspired by the process of taking ideas conceived in an artist’s imagination and delivering a tangible product with those colors, textures and ideas brought to life.

To learn more about the Fellow Awards, click here.
Celebrate design royalty with David Mayes on June 21st at the Royal/T, click here to get your tickets.

By AIGA Los Angeles
Published May 29, 2012
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