Building a Global Visual Language with The Noun Project

In the beginning, humans created symbols that explained their world, recorded history and stood the test of time. Then we created languages and things got complicated.

Founded in 2011, The Noun Project’s goal is to simplify communication once again by enabling anything to be communicated visually using symbols. Designers and contributors from all over the world can create and upload symbols that visually communicate concepts that are important to them, adding to the project’s digital library of icons.

Join co-founder Edward Boatman as he discusses the inspiration for The Noun Project, where it’s at today, and the vision for the future. The presentation will be followed by Q&A and refreshments will be provided.

Date: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 | Time: 7PM-9PM | Venue: Huge LA 6100 Wilshire Blvd, Second Floor, Los Angeles, CA | RSVP HERE

About the Speaker: Edward is a designer and creative thinker who has always found beauty in the ordinary. Edward started out his design career at the architecture firm Gensler before starting The Noun Project. At The Noun Project, Edward is constantly focused on making sure the company is fulfilling its mission of “creating, sharing, and celebrating the world’s visual language.” He also manages the vibrant international community of designers that are the power behind the platform. When Edward is not working you can probably find him hiking in the local hills, working in his garden, or spending time with his wife Sofya and 3.5lb dog Monkie.

To learn more about The Noun Project, visit 


By AIGA Los Angeles
Published June 19, 2013
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