AIGA LA Student Portfolio Day 2012

The AIGA Student Portfolio Review is a day-long event designed to give students—about to embark on a career in the design industry—advice on how to present themselves and their work. This event brings together over 50 industry professionals with 100 AIGA student members for the purpose of portfolio review.

Students receive thoughtful, constructive, one-on-one evaluation of their work by an array of design professionals—art directors, senior designers, educators, and hiring managers—from the greater Los Angeles area. The goal is to receive candid advice about portfolios based on professional experience. It is also a great way to network and become aware of “who’s who” in the LA design community.

Lunch and reviewers are included in the entrance fee. One of LA’s best Taco Trucks will be serving lunch on the roof top with a beautiful view of the city. Robynee Raye of Modern Dog in Seattle Washington is this years keynote.

By Rachel Elnar
Published February 6, 2012
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