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AIGA Los Angeles Fellows Award Logo

The Fellows Award is a national AIGA initiative founded in 1999. The program is a means of recognizing seasoned designers who have made a significant contribution to raising the standards of excellence in practice and conduct within their local or regional design community as well as in their local AIGA chapter. The areas of education, writing, leadership and reputation, as well as the practice of design are given equal consideration in measuring significant contribution.

View the complete list of all AIGA Fellows, nationwide.

AIGA Los Angeles is proud to present the recipients of our Fellows Award:


Errol Gerson, Art Center
Wayne Hunt, Hunt Design


Agustín Garza, Garza Group Communications
David Mayes, Typecraft Wood & Jones, Inc.


Jeri Heiden, Smog Design
John Coy, Coy LA


Clive Piercy, air-conditioned
Margo Chase, Chase Design Group
Louise Sandhaus, Louise Sandhaus Design


Archie Boston, Archie Boston Graphic Design
Michael Hodgson, Ph.D
Petrula Vrontikis, Vrontikis Design Office


Sean Adams, AdamsMorioka
Noreen Morioka, AdamsMorioka
Doyald Young, Art Center College of Design


InJu Sturgeon, UCLA Extension


Kim Baer, KBDA
John Clark, Looking
Harold Huttas, Insync Media


Buddy Berke, Powerhouse Electronic Imaging
Nan Faessler, xpedx
April Greiman, Made in Space


Deborah Sussman, Sussman/Prejza & Co., Inc.


Keith Bright, Bright Strategic Design
David Goodman, David Goodman, Inc.
Toni Ann Hollander, The Design Works