Design for Good Workshop: Identifying Issues

Event Description
Design for Good is more than designing for pro bono clients or volunteering—both of which are valuable. It is a broader movement to encourage and enable designers to aid their communities in meaningful ways; it is also a way to show the value of design to community leaders and fellow citizens. It may involve volunteer services, but it makes the case for the social value of design—which is worth compensation. At this workshop we will begin to brainstorm on what types of issues matter in our community and how we can work in a collaborative effort to cause change through design. Bring forth your concerns, ideas, and solutions.

Additional Event Information

Parking available on Highland Ave. and to buzz in push #18 on the dialpad.

As, always, feel free to invite any friends you think might be interested. Door's always open.

Twitter Feed
@aigalosangeles <>  #designforgood

When & Where
Sat, Feb 11, 2012 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Oishi Creative
717 N. Highland Ave, Ste 18
Los Angeles, CA 90038
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