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GAUGE Speaker Series with Stuart Karten
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Stuart Karten is the principal of Karten Design, a product innovation consultancy creating positive experiences between people and products through design research, industrial design and engineering. Since 1984, Karten Design has worked with leading companies in the medical and consumer electronics industries to develop products that connect with end user needs and build clients’ brands.

Date & Time
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Reception: 6:00 PM
Program: 7:00PM – 9:30 PM

California State University, Los Angeles
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032
BUILDING & ROOM: King Hall – LH1 (Lecture Hall 1)

Free and Open to the Public

Hourly Parking is located in Lot C on the North end of campus with purchase of an hourly permit.


Contact info:
Laura Tu

By AIGA Los Angeles
Published February 5, 2014
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