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Margo Chase: An LA design legend lost
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AIGA Los Angeles and the greater world of design lost a giant of the profession on Saturday with the tragic death of esteemed designer Margo Chase.

We are devastated by the loss of one of our own. A talented and wonderful person, Margo made our world a richer place through her aesthetic sensibilities, leadership acumen and kind-hearted spirit.

She was the definition of vibrant—a renowned designer who touched and inspired countless people with her excellence both personally and professionally. Her emblematic sense of design was born from a superb understanding of culture and an enigmatic voice that dominated her memorable and influential design work.

Over 30 years ago, Margo founded Chase Design Group in what was at the time a heavily male-dominated profession. Now a global firm, CDG has made landmark contributions to so many divergent fields that it is impossible to distinguish from the plethora of great design that was the hallmark of Margo Chase and her colleagues.

Margo will forever shine on in our memories through the enormous influence she made in the field of design, branding and marketing.

Our hearts go out to Margo’s husband, family, associates and friends. They are in our thoughts at this painful time, and we send them our condolences.

Sadly and respectfully,
AIGA Los Angeles

By AIGA Los Angeles
Published July 25, 2017
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